Season 2024
Anniversary of the Apparitions
Monday 15th January – Feast of our Lady of Banneux
Anniversary of the 1st Apparition
11:30 Mass in French
15:00 Marian prayer and Benediction (international)
16:00 International Mass with Father Leo Palm, Rector.
19:00 Rosary and Candlelight procession to the Spring
Thursday 18th January – Anniversary of the 2nd Apparition
11:30 Mass in French
15:00 Marian prayer and Benediction (international)
16:00 Mass in French
19:00 Rosary and Candlelight procession to the Spring
Friday 19th January – Anniversary of the 3rd Apparition
11:30 Mass in French
15:00 Marian prayer and Benediction (international)
16:00 Mass in French
19:00 Rosary and Candlelight procession to the Spring
Saturday 20th January – Anniversary of the 4th Apparition
11:30 Mass in French
15:00 Marian prayer and Benediction (international)
16:00 Mass in French
19:00 Rosary and Candlelight procession to the Spring
Sunday 11th February – Worlday of the Sick – Anniversary of the 5thApparition
11:15 International Mass
15:00 Benediction of the Sick (international)
16:00 Mass in French
19:00 Rosary and Candlelight procession to the Spring
Wednesday 14th February – Ash Wednesday
8:00 – 11:30 – 16:00 Mass in French with Distribution of Ashes
Thursday 15th February – Anniversary of the 6th Apparition
11:30 Mass in French
15:00 Marian prayer and Benediction (international)
16:00 Mass in French
19:00 Rosary and Candlelight procession to the Spring
Tuesday 20th February – Anniversary of the 6th and 7th Apparition
11:30 Mass in French
15:00 Marian prayer and Benediction (international)
16:00 Mass in French
19:00 Rosary and Candlelight procession to the Spring
Saturday 2nd March – Anniversary of the 8th Apparition
10:30 International Mass
15:00 Marian prayer and Benediction (international)
16:00 Mass in French
19:00 Rosary and Candlelight procession to the Spring
24th March – Palm Sunday
8:30, 11:15, 16:00 : Benediction of Palms and Mass in French
15:00 Marian prayer and Benediction (international)
19:00 Rosary
28th March – Holy Thursday
18:00 Mass of the Lord’s Supper – Adoration and Rosary
29th March – Good Friday
15:00 Way of the Cross
18:00 Celebration of the Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion and Rosary
30th March – Holy Saturday
18:00 Celebration of the Easter Vigil
31th March – Easter Sunday
8:30 – 11:15 – 16:00 Mass of the Resurrection in French
15:00 Marial prayer and Benediction. (international)
19:00 Rosary
1st April – Easter Monday
8:30 – 11:15 – 16:00 Mass in French
Feast of The Annunciation of the Lord – 8th April
8:30 – 11:15 – 16:00 Mass in French
15:00 Marial prayer and Benediction. (international)
19:00 Rosary
Wednesday 1st May – Opening of the pilgrimage season
Tuesday from 8pm to 10pm : adoration.
8:30 Mass in French
9:30 Mass in German
10:30 International Mass with Mgr Delville, Bishop of Liege
11:30 Mass in French
15:00 Benediction of the Sick. (international)
16:00 Mass in French.
20H00 Candlelight procession. (international)
Thursday 9 May – Ascension Feast
8:30 Mass in French
11:15 International Mass
15:00 Benediction of the Sick. (international)
16:00 Mass in French.
19:00 Rosary
Sunday 19 June – Pentecost Feast
8:30 Mass in French
9:30 Mass in German
10:30 International Mass
11:15 Mass in French
15:00 Benediction of the Sick. (international)
16:00 Mass in French.
19:00 Rosary
Monday 20 June – Feast of Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
8:30 Mass in French
10:30 Mass in German
11:00 Mass in Dutch
11:15 Mass in French
15:00 Benediction of the Sick. (international)
16:00 Mass in French.
19:00 Rosary
Sunday 2 June – Blessed Sacrament Feast
8:30 Mass in French
9:30 Mass in German
10:30 International Mass
11:15 Mass in French
14:00 Procession with the Blessed Sacrament in the Shrine and
Benediction of the Sick. (international)
16:00 Mass in French.
19:00 Rosary
Thursday 15 August – Assumption
Wednesday from 8pm to 10 pm : Adoration.
8:30 Mass in French
10:30 International Mass
11:15 Mass in French
15:00 Benediction of the Sick. (international)
16:00 Mass in French.
20H00 Candlelight procession. (international)
Saturday 31 August – 75th Anniversary of the recognition of the Marian Apparitions
8:30 Mass in French
10:30 International Mass with archbishop Luc Terlinden from Malines-Bruxelles
15:00 Benediction of the Sick. (international)
16:00 Mass in French.
20H00 Candlelight procession. (international)
Sunday 13 October – Conclusion of the pilgrimage season
8:30 Mass in French
10:30 International Mass
15:00 Benediction of the Sick. (international)
16:00 Mass in French.
19:00 Rosary
Friday 1 November – All Saints Solemnity
8:30am – 11:15am – 4pm Mass in French
Saturday 2 November – All Souls Feast
8am – 11:30am – 4pm Mass in French
Sunday 24 November – Christ the King Solemnity
8:30am – 11:15am – 4pm Mass in French
Monday 9 December – Immaculate Conception Solemnity
8am – 11:30am – 4pm Mass in French
15:00 Marial prayer and Benediction. (international)
Tuesday 24 December – Christmas
6pm Mass in French
Wednesday 25 December – Christmas
8:30am – 11:15am – 4pm Mass in French